
Health Expenditure as a share of GDP A dynamic visualization of what countries assign to their public health systems

Country Performance The SMAtracker project judges European countries across 13 access indicators. How many good rankings did your country attain?

SMA Nations League

Who is ‘leaving no one behind’? We have an aggregated scoring system based on the results of the SMA Tracker project. Countries are awarded 1 pt for a ‘good‘ rating, 1 pt for an EAP (Early Access Program), and 1/2 pt for a ‘to improve‘ ranking.

goodto improvenot goodEarly access or pilot programmenot authorised or not availablemissing data

+10 / -15 This number represents the difference in a countries GDP per capita vs their score in our Access scorecard. For example, Germany ranks 8th in GDP, but 1st on our SMA score, so it's +7 when you compare GDP to our assessment. Green is good, red is not good.

Congratulations to Germany. Excellent performances from Italy, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary & France. Ireland, Finland, Sweden & Denmark need to do better - wealthy nations leaving SMA families behind...

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An SMA Europe initiative, supported by:

BiogenNovartisRocheScholar Rock

OdySMA is a participatory advocacy tool. Therefore SMA Europe cannot warrant the completeness, reliability, or absolute accuracy of the data shared on OdySMA, as there may be changes that our members and supporters do not immediately inform us of. Should you identify inaccuracies or omissions, please contact laura.gumbert@sma-europe.eu us and let us know. We count on you!